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elektronikon system failure 10

09 окт 2019, 09:29

dear members:
in atlas copco ga90 vsd after downloading dump files to at28c64 and m48t02 system boot and all is ok,and emergency stop show in display,when connect pin3 of 2x6 terminal(emergency stop pin)to 2x9(12v)error 111101000 system failure 10 appear in display,i check inputs component all is ok,can someone help to fix elektronikon controller?


Re: elektronikon system failure 10

09 окт 2019, 19:14

hello. judging by the description of the problem, you have on ELEKTRONIKON damaged part of the program. fixed by flashing the control panel. independently is not feasible (I am not aware of confirmed cases of reprogramming on their own). in Your case, you can try to "copy" the data from a similar compressor, but not the fact that everything will work. then, the last and working variant-to cause on reprogramming of the nearest serviceman from representation AC.